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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Herman Düne Review

Witty and simple, Herman Düne’s newest release offers its listeners a humorous escape into the almost-real world that songwriters David-Ivar and Andre have created. Lo-fi folk from Sweden and France, with seemingly random references to U.S. pop culture like “And all the terminators should be running for governor/ And you will come to live with me in California,” stitch the lyrical stories in Not on Top together with the guitars, ukulele, bass and minimal drums.

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Fourth of July Preview

For more than 70 years, the city of Davis has offered its residents a Fourth of July celebration including music, food, baseball and fireworks.

“I’ve been attending since 1986,” Davis Community Services Superintendent Connie Foppiano said. “But it’s been going on longer than that.”

The format of the annual festival has not varied significantly over the years, even though the size of the crowd has increased by 2 or 3 percent per year. This year, 10,000 to 12,000 people are expected to attend, Foppiano said.

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