Poetry. Net Trawlin'. Recipes. Pictures. Stories. Linux. Lifestyle.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The New Year

My ears are still ringing. Ringing so good. See these guys if you get a chance. Well worth it.

Friday, August 11, 2006

An early start is rarely
never again will aging
act as attention pay losing
science youth save time
waste paper fool foil

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


You only really wake up
in hotels
when you sleep in them
they're not free.
You know all the channels
on the cable television by heart.
Sometimes you need ice so
you can fill the sink with beer
and where you think you are when you wake up
is a hotel
you woke up in once
or twice
you went to sleep
a few minutes before the end of Knight Rider
and all of a sudden you're here.

-Dan Wooldridge
from Unemployment Sunday

Monday, August 07, 2006


a chapbook by Tyson Nichols and Dan Wooldridge

for a free copy send your address to tenichols(at)gmail(dot)com