Crunchy kitty cat at the theatre reading wed-ding dong on dumb numbered thumbs that think the ink can sink solely, wholly-- who uses amusingly amateur mattresses addressing so bold, baby, maybe Abe might fight for free or flee towards Phoenix for Kleenex (neat needy meat meets me beaten, bleeding in blizzards). Wizards would whiz wooden jizz in ‘ginas in China: cheaper charming arms, chump. Hump her rump! Your umps underneath earth, though you teach suicide. I’d abide by Rawhide rather than Rather, Dan. Gather plans, Father, and bother Brother Todd; cut Tut up. Tanks under towers and tubas
uber alles as foul as Friday’s fun. Unwinding wind with tin towels to cool confinement twine lines like Liberty. R.I.P., Ronnie.