DUKE: [Takes a big slug off of the jug] One time was different. It’s hard to explain because I don’t really know why it happened or how to think about it…. Or even what to think about it… Maybe you can tell me what you think… about it. (Beat) I used to drive to the bay. To visit friends. To get drunk. Sometimes when I was driving I would turn off the music and roll down the windows, and… it was like the Mountains, the stars, the trees… everything was just gazing down at me. The wind. The fuckin’ wind would blow right through my ears. It felt so good I couldn’t handle it. It scared me and I don’t know why. I’d immediately roll up the windows and turn up the music. Or get on the phone. But one wet night I didn’t. I couldn’t. Something wouldn’t let me. So I drove. I drove and I was fixed on everything around me. I don’t know how to say it, but it’s like my eyes were... My tears matched the rain and they wouldn’t stop. They couldn’t stop and I didn’t want them to. I’ve never cried like that before. I didn’t know if the howling was my own voice or the whistle of the wind through the windows. That night still haunts me daily, and I can’t figure out why. [DUKE looks intently at HOWARD for a reaction, HOWARD stares into audience for a moment, then responds to DUKE.]