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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Lords of Dogtown Soundtrack Review

A good soundtrack should be able to be looked at as an entity separate from the film that it was created for. If it can’t be separated, it is almost worthless on its own. There are some soundtracks — such as Pocahontas or Jaws — that give listeners the chance to relive a film while they get extreme on their NordicTracks. These are not soundtracks, as much as they are View-Masters without the slides.

Lords of Dogtown is a perfect example of a well-sequenced, stand-alone soundtrack and it will be reviewed as such. It is a summer soundtrack that might cause its listener to cut off his jeans, grab a twelver and bring his boombox to a riverside barbecue. This album is classic rock. This album is bad-ass rock ’n’ roll.

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