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Saturday, December 02, 2006

Dear Dr. Dearborn-

Duty means you lose latitude like I learn skywatching. What we weave leaves wonder even. Ever vent over violence? Video-bingo? Bring it. Ring it in writing. Tighten the tongue, the younger wonder. Do worry, darling. Harm hath the hot harbor. Boring beings score scabies, scamming babies. Fables fall following fall for all calling allowances concerning waining cable pay-per-view programs. Granted-- progress greased gross products, but grievances butter ballots almost like almonds demand maintenance. Perchance people change angles gleefully. Glances fully glare loose stares. Starving hearts are helping singers bring sous-chefs Cheetos, Fritos, Doritos, Tostinos, Tecate, television and table-placings piercing Totinos Party Pizza. Hearty sleazes have heaved heavily. Help!

Whole Heartedly,


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